Home Health Nurses
more time to care for the individual client
During this challenging time of change in healthcare, many nurses are now opting to change their career path. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to take care of one client at a time, you have come to the right place. Focusing on one client is rewarding and satisfying both for the nurse and the client.
American Critical Care Services has been staffing private duty nursing cases in Virginia since 1986. We are known throughout the region for being an outstanding providers of quality nursing care to private duty clients. RN’s and LPN’s who partner with us are well respected and regarded as top notch among the private duty nursing community.
At ACCS, nurses are matched to cases based on thorough screenings and assessed skill set. If there are skills that a nurse may need to acquire, no worries; we are here to teach you all you may need to know to be successful on your new career as a private duty nurse. ACCS has education programs that are individualized and tailored to the specific educational needs of the nurse. In this way, nurses are able to learn and hone complex care tasks.
For hospital ICU nurses wanting to pivot, ACCS can assist with your transition and transformation. Call us and we can help you get where you want to go.

Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses who partner with us are known as professional, reliable, and respected. Take your career to the next level with the full support of a company that is responsive to your needs.